
    Bungee run Interactive

    Bungee run Interactive


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    Regular Price: $299.99
    1 Day Price with Overnight!  $299.99
    Best Deal! 2 Days $419.99
    *Holiday prices may vary
    *Multi-day Rentals are 40% extra per day
    *Overnight Pickups start at 7am

    Setup Area: 45' Length X 18' Width X 12' Height

    Actual Size: 35' Length X 15' Width X 8' Height

    Monitors: 1

    Outlets: 1

    Age Group: 16


    Bungee Run Interactive (3 person)

    Bungee Run – What gets the crowd going more than a competitive race? How about a competitive race that has an extra edge to the competition  especially if that includes 30 feet of nonstop physical exertion that will leave one of two runners completely victorious? Get ready to run the About to Bounce Bungee Run Interactive. The About to Bounce Bungee Run Interactive truly tests one's strength. With the harness securely fastened around each runner, and a giant bungee cord giving ample pull in the opposite direction, it's a race to see who can get to the end of the line. Even one slip – and you'll be pulled right back to the start. Who wouldn't want to have a birthday party or special event that saw every guest clamoring with excitement to see who was about to win? Priced at $319.99 for a rental, this is one stretch of energy and laughter that will give you a genuine run for the money.




    Size (Length x Width x Height)

    35'L x 12'W x 8'H



    Age limits



    Max weight capacity (per person)
    Minimum height

    200 lbs.




    Cement set ups allowed

    Cement setup is allowed. Sorry, we can't set up on any type of rocks as the constant rubbing will wear through the vinyl jumps.



    Overnight rentals allowed




    Pool type- 24 inch deep pool 



         Hoses required 1        Outlets- 1 blowers (separate circuit)


    Powered by Event Rental Systems