
    Shooting Stars Basketball Shooting game

    Shooting Stars Basketball Shooting game


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    Regular Price: $164.99
    1 Day Price with Overnight!  $164.99
    Best Deal! 2 Days $230.99
    *Holiday prices may vary
    *Multi-day Rentals are 40% extra per day
    *Overnight Pickups start at 7am

    Setup Area: 20' Width X 20' Length X 14' H

    Actual Size: 16' Width X 16' Length X 10' Height

    Monitors: 1

    Outlets: 1


    Shooting Stars Basketball Shooting Game

    Basketball Shooting Game Interactive – It's a shootout! Nothing gets the heart racing like a one-on-one basketball shootout. Shot after shot, all of your guests can watch as each participant puts up their best to sink as many buckets as possible. The first player to score 10 baskets wins. If you want the thrill that only a one-on-one shootout competition can deliver, check out the About to Bounce Basketball Shooting Game Interactive. Cheer on each shooter they make basket after basket, bucket after bucket. The easy slope will send the basketballs back down after every shot. The Basketball Shooting Game Interactive is a 15' x 15' with very nice visual details and imaging. Priced at $170.99 for the day rental with overnight, you can sink a lot of buckets, and bring just as many smiles to your guests faces as they cheer and shoot their way to glory.




    Size (Length x Width x Height)

    16'L x 16'W



    Age limits



    Max weight capacity (per person)
    Minimum height





    Cement set ups allowed

    Cement setup is allowed. Sorry, we can't set up on any type of rocks as the constant rubbing will wear through the vinyl jumps.



    Overnight rentals allowed




    Pool type- 24 inch deep pool 



         Hoses required 1   
         Outlets- 1 blowers (separate circuit)


    Powered by Event Rental Systems