
    About to bounce inflatables rental policy

    Welcome to About to Bounce!

    Our Rental Policy
    All cancellations must be called in 48 hours before your rental.

    Here at About to Bounce, we do our best to accommodate all customers in times of unforeseen weather and/or emergency conditions. For this reason, we stay tuned day and night to the local weather conditions in and approaching our area. We ask that all customers do their part and stay informed as to any weather conditions approaching their area. In order for us to better serve all customers, we have developed what we feel is a fair policy for cancellations and rain checks. Sometimes rain may be occurring in one part of town but not in the other part of town right next to it. For this reason we may have to cancel DUE TO WEATHER if we feel it would endanger our equipment. This decision is left solely to About to Bounce inflatables. Please feel free to give us a call should you have any questions regarding our policies.

    Weather Danger & Inflatables Safety Tips

    Delivery Times:

    Deliveries start at 7am and end before your scheduled party time on the contract. Pick ups are between 7am and 2pm the next day. We follow the GPS and pick up in that order. 


    The customer is responsible for notifying the office 48 hours before if they need to cancel the rental. Once the equipment is delivered, the FULL AMOUNT IS DUE regardless of total time used. All decisions to cancel due to weather or any other reason need to be made 48 hours before. We ask that the customer be informed of all weather conditions approaching by watching or listening to their local news. Please understand all bounce houses or combos may get wet from the sides or the emergency escape on top. Some inflatables do not have tops. And if they do the weight of the water will make it collapse.


    All orders booked require a 10% deposit. The deposit will never be refunded for any reason.

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    Inflatable Slide Feature
    Weather Danger & Inflatables Safety Tips

    Danger with Weather and Inflatables

    Severe weather can often pop up without much warning; leaving those outdoors at risk of death or injury. So what can you do to protect your guests using inflatable devices outdoors? About To Bounce has collected a number helpful tips to keeping your guests safe from severe weather. It's important someone be responsible for keeping track of severe weather warnings and radar in the area and possibly even talking with local meteorologists about whether the event should be closed down until the severe weather threat is over. In regards to inflatable devices, possible wind speeds should of course be taken into consideration. We have all seen news stories of bounce houses thrown through the air with children inside...these all could have been completely avoidable if weather forecasts & current weather conditions were monitored. Inflatables should not be used in winds exceeding 15 mph and they of course need to be properly secured and the power turned off.

    Plan for a place to shelter people in case an unexpected storm pops up. About To Bounce employees are trained to shut down rides and deflate inflatables when severe weather or dark clouds appear. The national weather service also has a helpful pamphlet that you can download here: www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/toolkits/large_venue8-12.doc#sthash.B6Z5ZGEk.pdf This pamphlet outlines many of the suggestions talked about in this article in more detail. It is important to remember that although closing down your event temporarily may lead to a short-term loss in revenue, your guests will respect your concern for their safety which will increase their trust in you and your revenue in the long run.

    About To Bounce rents safe, high quality equipment to our customers. In order to provide a safe environment we set up and test all of our equipment before turning it over to our customers. Each unit is cleaned and evaluated after each event. Safety instructions are reviewed and signed off with the customer.

    Operating Procedures:

    Each operator should read and understand the following instructions.

    The inflatable should not be operated if winds exceed 15 mph, rain, or lightning conditions exist.

    All riders must remove shoes.

    Riders should be sorted by size. Only riders of the same size should be allowed on inflatable at the same time.

    Riders must remove loose or sharp objects. This includes jewelry and glasses.

    No food or drink allowed in the inflatable. This includes gum or candy.

    The rated capacity should never be exceeded. Please refer to safety chart on inflatable.

    The operator should be in close proximity to the entrance of the ride.

    While the ride is in operation, the operator should watch the riders at all times. No rough play or pushing and no flips. Climbing on side walls is not allowed.

    Riders that do not obey operator's rules after being warned should be asked to exit the inflatable.

    The operator must strictly enforce rules for safety of all riders.

    The operator should assist riders on and off the inflatable.

    Riders are not allowed to bounce or jump on entrance ramp.

    Emergency Procedures:

    Emergencies can arise for various reasons. The following are a few examples of emergencies and how they should be handled. This is strictly a guide. Please use common sense when emergencies occur.

    Weather: Bad weather can arrive in the form of rain, lightening or strong winds. In each case you must evacuate the ride immediately. Stay calm and assist riders exiting the inflatable quickly but in an orderly fashion. Once riders have exited the ride, deflate the unit by turning of the blower and unplugging from electrical outlet.

    Loss of Electricity: When the loss of electricity occurs the ride will deflate. Remain calm. If you panic the riders will panic. You will have time to help the riders exit safely. This situation tends to cause a panic, so please remain as calm as possible.

    Check to see if the blower has come unplugged or tripped the electrical circuit. If either situation occurred reset the beaker or plug and let inflatable fully inflate before riders enter inflatable again.
    Damage: If the Inflatable becomes damaged while in operation, please take the following steps:

    If the inflatable is ripped or looses air, assist riders off the unit and deflate the unit.

    Write down what happened. Include all the details you observed and turn this report into an About To Bounce representative.

    Contact About To Bounce immediately at (504) 914-6489, if we are unavailable, there is an emergency contact number on the voicemail service.
    Do NOT attempt to continue operating this inflatable.

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